AD44 Dossier

36th WCA – world tour of audiology

HTV vignette

When you participate for the first time in a WCA, which will perhaps be your case from September 19 to 22 at the Cnit in Paris, one of the legitimate expectations is to come and inquire about the latest advances in screening, diagnosis, rehabilitation and hearing aids, or to update your knowledge in the field of new technologies and emerging therapies in audiology. Believe me, the experience becomes even more enriching when it is done through the prism of comparing practices around the world. And this comparison can only be a source of inspiration and proposals, when it comes to thinking with all the players in French audiology about the future of practices and services offered within France.

From the effective implementation of neonatal screening for deafness less than ten years ago to the explosion of indications for implantable hearing aids, from the reflection on the future of training hearing specialists to that on the place to be given to teleaudiology, from the consequences of the deployment of the 100% Health reform to the hopes raised by the prospect of new care sectors, it is an understatement to say that French audiology has been through major upheavals in recent months and years. What is the situation elsewhere and what fundamental differences structure the diversity of global audiology?

On the occasion of the WCA, we wanted to give the floor to international personalities recognized in their respective countries for their contribution to the evolution of the discipline. Without detour and with lucidity, they agreed to describe in detail the organization of their own healthcare system and the limits they perceive, the existing training for the healthcare professionals involved and the tasks incumbent on them, the amount of authorized reimbursements and the role of public authorities as well as private entities in the services offered to patients. May your world tour of audiology be as instructive as possible!

Pr Hung Thai-Van,
President of the 36th WCA
Head of Audiology and Otoneurological explorations at the Lyon university hospital
Center for Research and Innovation in Human Audiology (CERIAH), Hearing Institute (Paris), IHU reConnect



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